I have been struggling for months - more than I have in the past, I suppose - with exhaustion, depression, chronic crankiness, my weight, headaches, klutziness, memory issues, etc. Well, I finally got my blood work back and - surprise, surprise - these symptoms are actually caused by real things!!
Yes, folks, that's right. While you may think I'm crazy - and I am, so you're right - you're also wrong, because my symptoms are based in medically proven reality. I am still hypothyroid and I am still hypocalcemic. I have been placed on a higher dosage of Levothyroxine (synthetic thyroid hormone) and 2,000 mg/day of calcium + vitamin D.
Symptoms of both of these deficiencies include those listed above, as well as others I won't burden you with right now.
Can I get a HA!?!
For now, health-wise, that's all the news there is to report. On the cancer side, the blood work looked fine, and I don't have to get tested again until August/September.
And, while I have a bit more news for you, which is not directly related to healthcare, but is also related to my being right about stuff... well, that news has to wait a while longer!