Friday, October 23, 2009

Insert complaining here.

My friend asked me in an email whether this blog had outlived its usefulness (yes, D., you) and I realized that I'd forgotten to update it with all the latest gossip.  See, what happened, in case it wasn't clear, was that I went back to work after my hospitalization(s).  And work laser-gunned my brain and I forgot I had a blog.

Here is the latest, then.

I have been on a low iodine diet for a couple of weeks.  On Monday and Tuesday mornings, I go to the hospital to get Thyrogen injections, to stimulate the thyroid cells still hanging around in my body (I imagine they are old, Jewish women, with dyed hair and cigarettes... they are hanging around my body and gossiping... What will they do when stimulated?  Will they scream "Oy, I've nevah BEEN so STIMULATED!!" Because that's what old, smoking ladies do, isn't it?).

On Wednesday morning, they admit me to the hospital for the radioactive iodine scan - and I guess the ablation - itself.  They'll look for those old lady thyroid cells, and then whoever sucks up the iodine because she's stimulated is going to get hit with the radioactive stuff.  I'll be in the hospital for a few days.

Because life isn't simple, on the way to another doctor on Monday, I fell down a few stairs in the subway station.  I messed up my neck so badly, every day is an adventure in neck-lockery.  What's worse is that I'm such a stress-case, I work all day and then only sleep half the night, waking up with my neck even more torqued then it was the night before.  At this point, I can't turn my head.  I don't even have my laptop here at home, so I will have to go to work this morning, range of motion or no.

At least next Wednesday I'll get an enforced two or three day vacation in the hospital.  Sure, the food will be crap. Sure, the days will be boring (I don't even think I can bring electronics, for fear I'll irradiate them with my hot self)... but when I'm lying in bed at 3 a.m. and thinking about work, and my neck locks up because I had the audacity to move my head, at least I'll know I'm just a call button away from... an unnecessary spinal MRI.

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