Thursday, August 27, 2009

Not to be dense or anything...

Nurse: "What do you weigh?"
Me: "A lot. 1(edited) something, I think"
Nurse: "Well, 1(edited) what?"
Me: "I don't know my exact weight."
Nurse: "You need to tell me."
Me: "1(edited) *something* - I don't know anything else."
Nurse: "I need to know for anesthesia purposes."
Me: "Well, that's the best you're going to get because I DO NOT KNOW MY EXACT WEIGHT."

Finally she weighed me.  Wouldn't that have been the simpler route?  The whole way to the scale and back, she kept trying to explain how important it was and why I should have been comfortable telling her. When we got my exact weight, she gave me the "there, was that so hard," treatment.  The only thing that had been hard, however, had been convincing her that I DID NOT KNOW IT.

Fast-forward to the OR as I'm getting situated on the table.  They review my weight with me and I confirm it.

Anesthesiologist: "You really weigh 1(edited)?"
Me: "Yup."
Anesthesiologist: "Wow. I thought that was a mistake on your chart."
Anesthesiologist resident: "Yeah, you don't look it."
Me: "Well, that's flattering, but she just weighed me and I saw it."
Anesthesiologist: "You must be a very dense person.  You're denser than anyone I've ever seen.  You can't possibly weigh that much.  I really thought that was a mistake."
Anesthesiologist resident: "We'll just say 1(edited and rounded down) because I think the other thing is too high."

Great. I'm dense and I'm fat.

1 comment:

  1. You gotta laught - this is pretty funny.
