Friday, November 20, 2009

It's 12:33 and all is well with my cancer.

I am cancer-free!!!  The radioactive iodine scan found that there was only a small concentration of normal thyroid cells left over, and all in my neck, and they've all (in theory) been obliterated.  I go back to the doc for a checkup in January-ish.

I returned to work after disability and then a quick trip to Florida for a wedding on Tuesday. Catching up is a weighty task.

And I am awake most of the time now.

And I can't stop my brain.


  1. Couldn't ask for better news! Much love, Reebs.

  2. This is good great grand news.
    Well, if you're going to have a brain that won't stop, at least it's a good brain... I just hope it's thinking good thoughts!
    Love you - Happy Thanksgiving!
    ~Sarah in NH

  3. Congratulations on being cancer free! I hope you have been able to start sleeping again.
    Happy, continued-healing energy to you,
