Sunday, September 6, 2009

Great. I'm awake and paranoid and I can't even watch Battlestar Galactica.

So, during my time off to have surgery, be subsequently hospitalized, and to recuperate, instead of reading books (I've read about 100 pages of a book), I've been watching Battlestar Galactica on the Apple TV.  Jim engineered the whole Apple TV thing and now he's asleep.  Meanwhile, I'm awake and paranoid and I can't sleep. Just now, I finished an episode, so I bought another, but I can't get it to load without using his computer, apparently.  This is a problem because I don't want to open up his computer and try to use it without his permission.  We don't do that stuff in this house.


Why am I paranoid, you ask?  Okay, you don't ask, but I'll tell you anyway.  I am paranoid I have other cancer. I'm going to spare you the gory details of this.  I'd actually written them out, but for the purposes of not publishing said gory details on the Internet, I then hit the happy backspace key.

Suffice to say I'm not sleeping because I'm convinced I have all different sorts of cancer.  And I can't watch Battlestar Galactica.  And it's really exciting right now.


1 comment:

  1. Lisa, I'm reading your posts about insomnia and thinking about other cancer and having flashbacks to this time last year. I was feeling much the same.

    As I understand, the insomnia is part of the deal post-surgery. Not sure of the reasons, body adjusting to lack of thyroid, stress, or what, but it made me crazy!

    And your other comment about other cancers....I also had those feelings. That I had not been in the statistical majority on anything to that point in my thyroid cancer treatment (% who get it is low, % who have it spread to lymph nodes low) so I was sure it has metastasized to my lungs and/or bones. It had not. The "what ifs" will keep you up at night if the thyroid insomnia doesn't!

    Are you doing OK with the calcium since your hospital stay?

    Sending good thoughts and prayers your way....
