Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Joel's Comic Life and My Blog Thoughts

My friend Joel Arandia created some wonderful comics when he was diagnosed with thyroid cancer.  I love these; what a great way to deal with a diagnosis like cancer.  Here's a link to his series, Joel's Comic Life, located on his Flickr page, where you can see more of these:

Joel's comics have been making me think about how illness moves us.  Since my diagnosis, I've been yearning to create stuff, in all of the different ways I like to express my creative self.  I haven't had a huge amount of time/energy/space to do a whole heck of a lot of that yet, except for here, on my blog.  

Blogs are seen as means of reaching out to others, and my friends and family have lately been commending me on my ability to reach out to others for support via my blog.  And my blog is certainly a tool for that, inasmuch as being creative can include a reaching outward.  

But creative expression has to start with - or at least must be composed of an equal element of - reaching inward.  And I guess I want you to know that this blog, for me, is not just about me trying to pull you in for support. Rather, my blog is where I've been choosing to create, to vent, and to think.  My blog is where I can meet you now, at these times when we are not together. It's also a great way of keeping you informed about my condition... and maybe one day will help other people with thyroid problems, too.

I do love the Internet for that.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Lisa,
    Of course, the blog also gives me the (mistaken!) impression that I must have talked with you recently... but we haven't spoken for days! Despite this, you are certainly on my (sadly confused) mind.
    S in NH
